You Can't Take Me, I'm Free.

Friday 4 May 2018

8 Simple Ways To Create A Positive Life Today

The ultimate form of self-love is creating a positive way of life for yourself, regardless of what has come before you can create a better tomorrow.    
Here’s how:
1. Be selfish - create the life YOU want to live. Forget about what everyone else wants for you and think about what makes you happy. What excites you? What are your dreams? Pursue them without regard for anyone else’s opinions or feelings - this is YOUR life, live it for yourself.

2. Love - centre your life around what you love. A positive way of life comes from positive thoughts and positive thoughts are created from positive actions. Positive actions are those that move you toward what you love to do. so paint, dance, sing - doing what you love will fill today with positive experiences & thoughts.

3. Negativity - has no room in your life anymore. You have to make a commitment to getting rid of negativity in all forms. Whether that’s people, habits or activities you’re involved with - you cannot hope to have a positive life if you’re surrounded by negativity. Negative surroundings = negative thoughts and negative thoughts create a negative life.

4. Nature - observe the natural flow of life. Make time to be with the natural energy of the planet - observe how there is no stress, no expectations & no time. When we immerse ourselves in nature it’s clear to see how much we can learn from the environment we came from.

5. Fresh start - every day is a new day. Each sunrise is a reminder that yesterday has gone - today brings thousands of opportunities for us to create the life we love. Living in the now allows us to make the most of the time we have on this planet - a second lived outside of the present moment is a second wasted.

6. Time with yourself - reconnect with who you truly are. We can become consumed by negativity when we identify with our struggles, hardships or the opinions others hold of us. This is why it’s absolutely essential for us to spend time with ourselves to gain perspective on our lives - who we are & what we came here to do.

7. Authenticity - be yourself. If you’re living a lie - it will be very difficult to live a positive way of life. Ask yourself why you aren’t being true to yourself and what you want from the time you have left on the planet. When you behave in a way that makes you happy you will begin experiencing a truly positive life.

8. Gratitude - the best attitude. Be grateful for everything you have in your life right now.
Thank the universe for the fact. 

Thankful for everything in life, good and bad cause it's made who you are today.

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