You Can't Take Me, I'm Free.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Saying Goodbye Is A Part Of Life.

Some people come into your life because they are meant to show you a handful of beautiful things that this world has to offer. They are meant to make your heart feel warm, make the butterflies in your stomach circle around, and bring you to a place you never thought possible. They are meant to make you feel love - but they are meant to make you feel all of it, both the good and the bad parts.

It’s not always going to be a happy ending - so when it’s time for them to leave, you should not regret them. You should not hold them down and make them stay. Instead, you should let them go and thank them for showing you everything that no other person in this life could ever do.

Saying goodbye is inevitable and it should not be dreaded or feared, saying goodbye is a part of life.
—  christina forino // saying goodbye is all we’re left with

Saying goodbye is to signal the end of something, 
but also a good signal to Begin again.

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