You Can't Take Me, I'm Free.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Ways Self Love Will Change Your Life.

Have you heard the phrase, "The more you build self-love, The more you have to give to others"? Self-love begins by being good to yourself. How we treat our self, will directly impact how we treat others. Here are some ways that self-love will change your life. 

  • Happiness

  • Having self-love will give you the courage to step into the life that you want to be in, instead of being influenced by others. Because you love yourself, you'll do anything you can to make yourself and everyone around you happy.

    This is the big point, Having more self-love will make you happier and this is kind of a given, but it’s worth mentioning. Think about, when you love someone, you truly want them to be happy. Think about, if you love yourself, you truly want yourself to be happy. So you'll do anything that you can to make yourself happy. Instead of feeling like you're pulled by societal pressures, what your parents will think of you, what your friends will think of you, you do what's best for yourself because you love yourself.

    • Health.
    When you truly love yourself, you're gonna take better care of your body and your well-being. You'll eat better, you'll exercise more, just out of respect for your own body because you know your body's working really hard to keep you alive and just letting you live your life. You're gonna take care of your body in return. So, when you love yourself, you prioritize self-care because you know that your mental well-being is also just as important as your physical well-being.

    • Relationships.
    You may have heard of the saying "We accept the love we think we deserve". When you have high-quality love for yourself, then you set that standard to accept high-quality love from others. So you start to have a low tolerance for people who don't value you or respect you, because when you respect yourself, then others will respect you too. It's kind of like "Like attracts like". Whatever feelings and emotions you have towards yourself, you're gonna attract more of that to you. Self-love will also change your relationships with your friends and family.

    • Emotional
    Having more self-love will also make it easier for you to forgive others who have hurt you. Instead of holding any grudges or being angry at someone for a long time, having self-love will teach you to forgive. When you love yourself, you don't want yourself to continue hurting over anything that's happened in the past. You don't want yourself to suffer at the expense of others. Even if this person doesn't deserve forgiveness or whatever, you forgive just so that you can have a clean slate, you can have inner peace because you love yourself. And all you want is for yourself to be happy.

    • Motivation in Life
    Self-love will also give you more drive and motivation in life. When you have this feeling that you have high self-worth, then you're gonna believe in yourself even more. You're gonna believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Having this belief makes you feel more invincible, it makes you feel more powerful and strong. And because of that, you have a lot more drive and motivation to do bigger things in the world.

    • Confidence.
    When you truly love yourself, you won't need to feel insecure or compare yourself to others. Self-love definitely boosts your confidence. Because you've learned to love, appreciate embrace everything that you are, then you're no longer insecure or shame about any of it.

    • Freedom
    Most importantly, self-love will set you free. Think about it. What can hold you back when you are your own best friend, genuinely loving and supporting yourself throughout your entire life journey? Literally, nothing and no one can hold you
    back when you truly love yourself. So you're free to step into your greatness, you’re free to be fabulous, you're free to be a light in the world. You're free to be yourself. Self-love is the beginning of allowing yourself to blossom into everything that you are.

    You don't have to be competing with everyone because everyone has a unique value.
    Everyone brings something unique to the table. Stand strong in who you are and you own that. With that, you're confident, but also humble because you won't feel the need to have to prove yourself all the time.

    What ways have self-love changed your life? Comment below. I'd love to read what you have to say.

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